Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ambulatory Theatre

This August week we've been working at a level of productivity heretofore unmatched in Ochlos history!  We're on a downward slope of momentum, founded on our work in June and July, and a script is coming together quickly.  As collaborators always say looking back, I never would have imagined our project would evolve into what it is now.  When this property in Sebastopol became our new creative residence I imagined performing in the barn, and that in itself was a dream come true.  But now we have in our hands quite an epic journey, taking the audience to almost a dozen locations throughout the property.  It is undoubtedly site specific, not meant to be performed elsewhere, and just as original music can deepen a theatrical experience, so too can an intentional location, in a powerful way.  Not only are we outdoors, among the birds, the wind and the trees, but we have an active experience to share with our audience.  With an audience engaged in this way, not only do we avoid numb behinds, but there is real potential for making an honest connection.


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